Dave On Cyber

Cybersecurity as an Art

Category: Cyber Sketches

Cyber Optimism vs Pessimism

“Optimistic sees a vulnerability between a security patch, and pessimistic sees a security patch between a vulnerability.” A cybersecurity professional needs both perspectives.

Cyber Yoga

Cyber yoga – breathe in security patches, breathe out vulnerabilities.

Human Evolution and AI

AI feels like a fax machine. Blessing in the beginning, burden at the end. The question is whether AI is a blessing or a curse for IT Security.

SSO Coin

“SSO – two sides of one coin.”

Internet Explorer Retires

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE) retires after 27 years. The web browser was launched in 1995 with Windows 95 operating system. It was at its peak in 2003 when 95% of people were using IE. The popularity started deteriorating in 2004 after Firefox and Chrome. I was not a big fan and mostly used IE to […]

One-way Hash

“You have taken cryptography seriously when the road sign reminds you of the hash function, message digest and SHA-256 more than the one-way driving sign board.”

Cyber Slap

Inspired from historic Oscar night when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock. “The only violence we are interested in watching — is a cyber slap.”