Dave On Cyber

Cybersecurity as an Art

Month: April 2024

Mulla Nasiruddin’s Cybersecurity Wisdom — Wool Is Not Salt

Story One day, Mulla took his donkey with loaded salt to the market. They pass through the river, and salt melts! The donkey was happy, but Mulla had to bear the loss. After a few days, Mulla and the donkey had to pass through the same stream. However, this time, the wool was loaded on […]

Risk Responses with Redback Spider

Where is the risk? It’s everywhere. Being single is a risk of loneliness and depression. Being in a live-in relationship is a risk of an uncertain future. Being married is a risk of missing bachelorhood. Whether it’s relationship or data, you can never eliminate the risk. All you can do is reduce it to the […]

Cyber Yoga

Cyber yoga – breathe in security patches, breathe out vulnerabilities.